Legal Education Innovators seeding respect for laws for younger generation
Ensuring the independence, effectiveness and professionalism of the judiciary system as well as combating corruption are the main prerequisites for a democratic system of governance in the Republic of Moldova. This is why justice reform, integrity standards, and the fight against corruption represent specific goals under the Association Agreement between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union.
The project “EDUIURIS - Legal Education Innovators seeding respect for laws for younger generation” funded by the Embassy of the Netherlands tackles a highly sensitive problem in the Republic of Moldova - the insufficient popular support for the implementation of reforms related to all levels judicial, political and social, because of limited understanding of principles of rule of law and lack of active citizens. Therefore, there is a need of legal and anticorruption education which makes people aware of their rights and responsibilities and thus to be able to contribute actively to enhancing good public governance.
Center for Innovation and Policies in Moldova (CIPM), Legal Resources Centre from Moldova (CRJM) in partnership with “VeDemJust – Voices for Democracy and Justice” Association based in Bucharest propose creative ways to boost respect for laws within teenagers from the Republic of Moldova. The problem that we target is the lack of respect for the laws and a lack of knowledge about the social issues that are generated by corruption.
The idea of conducting legal education in high schools was developed by Mr. Cristi Danilet – Judge and Former-Member of Superior Council of Magistracy in Romania. The project of legal education in Romania is being implemented by our project partner “VeDemJust – Voices for Democracy and Justice” Association (
The project has its own platform: where we publish regularly our activities, including the educational kit for legal professionals and students.
This project is financially supported by The Embassy of the Netherlands.