Anti-bribery management system for the Municipal Clinical Hospital "Sfântul Arhanghel Mihail" in Chișinău
According to a survey conducted by Transparency International Moldova, in 2015 Moldovan citizens offered bribes in the total amount of 1 billion lei, out of which one third went to the medical sector. “Small" corruption for long time has been a "normal" way of life in many health care facilities, and those who accept or offer bribe often claim to be simple "gifts." Informal payments are often a prerequisite for receiving medical treatment and for cutting time spent in waiting rooms. The payments become a regular occurrence as patients want to ensure they are getting the best treatment for their money. In the national health care system there are many gaps regarding the transparency of the services provided, many cases of bribe and, of course, in most cases the service is not focused on the patient.
Given this situation, CIPM in partnership with Integrity Solutions SRL and Excelo Consulting & Development SRL have started the implementation of the international standard ISO 37001- Anti bribery management system for the Municipal Clinical Hospital ”Sfantul Arhanghel Mihail” in Chisinau that will contribute to reestablishing the focus on patients, to introducing performance measurements which will lead to the improvement of the quality of care and to quality system improvements. The implementation of the standard will have positive effects on patient safety and the health care institutions will deliver a satisfactory level of medical services.
Furthermore, the Moldovan society demands transparency, efficient usage of public funding, and accountability, while health care today harms patients too frequently and routinely fails to deliver its intended benefits. Bad quality, and therefore the opportunity to improve quality, is usually related to the design of complex production processes and not to lack of will, skill, or benign intention of employees. There is the need to redesign the health care delivery system to improve the quality of care, because it is highly fragmented and care processes are poorly designed.

The implementation of an anti-bribery management system, emphasizing process control and process improvement, are therefore essential to any hospital institution.
For more details about the program, please contact:
- Ludmila Stuparu – the communication coordinator of the project;
- Aurica Butnari – the national anti-bribery expert.
This project is financially supported by the Romanian Ministry of Foreign Policy through RoAid Development Cooperation Agency.