
Through CIPM events, we seek to bring at the same table high-level EU officials, politicians, experts, members of civil society, academia and interested stakeholders in order to encourage collaboration and dialogue on national and European issues. In this respect, we organize round tables, workshops, conferences, study-visits, and Chatham House events. An indispensable component of all events is the transfer of experience and know-how from EU member states to the Republic of Moldova.
Lecție de educație juridică la Liceul „Spiru Haret” din Chișinău
Luni, 8 aprilie 2019 doamna avocat conf. univ. dr. Ina Bostan și domnul lect. univ. drd. avocat Oleg Tănase au susținut o lecție de educație juridică elevilor claselor a V-a din cadrul Liceului Teoretic ”Spiru Haret” din Chișinău, vorbindu-le despre importanța și respectarea legilor.
Activitatea reprezintă parte din proiectul „Educație Juridică – Cultivarea respectului pentru lege în rândul tinerei generații”, desfășurat de asociația Centrul de Inovare și Politici în Moldova (prin experții Ludmila Stuparu și Veronica Midari) în parteneriat cu VeDem Just – Voci pentru Democraţie şi Justiţie din România (prin președinte Lucian Checheriță) și Centrul de Resurse Juridice Moldova (prin expert Nadejda Hriptievschi).
Avocații Oleg Tănase și Ina Bostan le-au predat elevilor Liceului Teoretic ”Mihai Berezovschi” o lecție de educație juridică
În data de 21 martie 2019, membrii Rețelei Naționale pentru Educație Juridică doamna avocat conf. univ., dr. Ina Bostan și domnul avocat, lect. univ. drd. Oleg Tănase, au organizat o lecție pilot de educație juridică elevilor claselor a XII-a, din cadrul instituției publice de învățământ Liceul Teoretic ”Mihai Berezovschi” din Chișinău.
Lecția pilot de educație juridică a fost menită să îi îndrume pe liceenii Liceului Teoretic ”Mihai Berezovschi” din Chișinău cu privire la necesitatea respectării legii penale și cu privire la consecințele încălcării legii, insistând asupra necesității prevenirii infracționalității și a rolului educației în creșterea unei generații responsabile și implicate.
Sesiune training: Cum predăm educație juridică în școli?
Scopul trainingului desfășurat la Chișinău în data de 31 ianuarie 2019 a fost acela de a iniția și pregăti profesioniști din domeniul dreptului.
Trainerii din cadrul proiectului au fost: Judecător Dr. Cristi Dănileț cu peste 20 ani de experiență în magistratura din România, fost membru în Consiliul Superior al Magistraturii din România, în prezent desfășurându-și activitatea la Tribunalul Cluj, secția penală și Lucian Checheriță, Director executiv la Asociația VeDem Just – Voci pentru Democrație și Justiție.
Conference: How do we cultivate respect for law and the rule of law among the younger generation
Center for Innovation and Policies in Moldova in partnership with Legal Resources Centre from Moldova and VeDemJust – Voices for Democracy and Justice Association from Romania with financial support of the Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands in Romania have organized the national conference: “How do we cultivate respect for law and the rule of law among the younger generation?” on 30th of January 2019 in Chișinău.
The conference has been organized within the project ʺEDUIURIS – Legal Education Innovators seeding respect for laws for younger generationʺ funded by the Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands in Romania. The conference has been attended by professionals in the fields of Education and Justice, public policy specialists from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research as well as practitioners from both areas.
The main objective of the conference was to identify the challenges, limitations and options for introducing legal education in schools, outlining pilot intervention methods to deliver results that can contribute to substantiating long-term policy decisions, potential public policy, for both Justice and Education.
Conferința de deschidere: Cum cultivăm respectul pentru lege și stat de drept în rândul tinerei generații?
Scopul conferinței noastre de la Chișinău desfășurată în perioada 30-31 ianuarie 2019 a fost acela de a face cunoscut, de a elabora și de a implementa un proiect național de educație juridică pentru elevii din învățământul preuniversitar și în Republica Moldova.
Conferința ce a avut loc sub egida Educație pentru Justiție și Democrație – “Cum cultivăm respectul pentru lege și stat de drept în rândul tinerei generații?” a beneficiat de o scurtă introducere a doamnei Ludmila Stuparu, moderator din partea Centrului de Inovare și Politici din Moldova precum și a doamnei Viorica Grecu, reprezentant al Uniunii Avocaților din Republica Moldova – Centru de instruire al avocaților.
Despre rolul Rolul educației în asigurarea respectului pentru lege și stat de drept în Republica Moldova ne-a vorbit doamna Ecaterina Vâlcu din partea Ambasadei Olandei. Veronica Mlidari – expert național la Centrul de Inovare și Politici din Moldova ne-a prezentat rezultatele evaluării nivelului de importanță al educației juridice.
National Conference: Implementation of an anti-bribery system in the health sector
Center for Innovation and Policies in Moldova in partnership with Integrity Solutions with financial support of RoAid – Romanian Agency for International Development have organized the national conference: Implementation of an anti-bribery system in the health sector of the Republic of Moldova on 27th of November 2018 in Chișinău.
The conference gathered representatives of Romanian Government, RoAid Agency and medical institutions from Republic of Moldova, approaching anticorruption strategies in the health sector, especially the implementation of the international standard ISO 37001- Anti bribery management system for the Municipal Clinical Hospital ”Sfântul Arhanghel Mihail” in Chișinău.
Within the plenary session, representative of Romanian Embassy in R. Moldova, Artur Răducanu mentioned that “the European path of the Republic of Moldova is supported by Romanian Government both financially and expertise”.
Mrs. Anca Stefiuc, the representative of RoAid – Romanian Agency for International Development – had specified that R. Moldova is a priority for Romania and all projects supported by RoAid Agency aim to improve the social and economic situation of Moldovan citizens.
EaP Regional Conference: EU standards boosting economic integration
Center for Innovation and Policies in Moldova in partnership with Georgia’s Reforms Associates, Strategic and Security Studies Group in Kiyv and Institute for Standardization of Moldova have organized the EaP regional conference: EU standards boosting economic integration on 23rd of October 2017 in Chișinău.
The conference gathered representatives of SMEs, academia, civil society, Government and national standardization institutions from the EaP countries: Moldova, Georgia, Ukraine, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Belarus, approaching strategies on how to facilitate the implementation of European standards in order to access the European Single Market.
Within the plenary session, the executive director of CIPM, Radu Moldovanu mentioned that “the cooperation and trust between our countries and the EU are the key elements that facilitate a sustainable and smooth economic growth”.
Mrs. Renata Vitez – EU High Level Adviser on Economy and Trade in the context of DCFTA – had addressed to present SMEs encouraging them to put up efforts for internationalization as a means for further development, as there is no other alternative for our current context.
Information campaign: Benefits of European standards for Moldovan economy
Within the the project “Enhancing the role of civil society, academia and SMEs from Eastern Partnership countries in the implementation of European standards”, Center for Innovation and Policies in Moldova (CIPM) in partnership with Institute for Standardization in Moldova (ISM) have organized an information campaign at Center for Excellence in Energy and Electronics in Chisinau on 18th of September 2017. The campaign aims to inform the younger generations regarding the benefits of the EU standards for a sustainable and inclusive economic growth.
Thus, CIPM and ISM representatives discussed with students from Center for Excellence in Energy and Electronics about the advantages of the EU standards for Moldovan economy. Within this event, the project team disseminated brochures and fliers about the benefits of the EU standards and presented technical information regarding the status of our country in adopting EU standards. In addition, the project team showed a PPT presentation about the mission of the ISM to adopt international and European standards versus the GOST standards.
Workshop: Engaging Diaspora in providing European expertise on quality education in the Republic of Moldova
Center for Innovation and Policies of Moldova (CIPM) together with National Agency for Quality Assurance in Professional Education (ANACIP) and Association pour l’Intégration des Migrants have organized in Chisinau, on 7-9 July 2017, the workshop “Smart Diaspora – Quality Education Innovators” funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and International Organization for Migration (IOM). The purpose of the visit was to initiate 12 members of the academic and professional diaspora into the external evaluation of study programs and higher education institutions in the Republic of Moldova and at the same time to enable an exchange of European expertise on behalf of the diaspora members.
The three-day training session provided an opportunity to diaspora members to analyze the methodology of external evaluation, standards, benchmarks and performance indicators of ANACIP and their compatibility with the new European standards and guidelines.
The first day of the training session approached the following topics of interests: procedures, resources and working tools used by evaluators in the external quality evaluation of study programs and higher education institutions; elements of ethics and conduct during the external evaluation; identification, establishments and registration of aspects concerning teaching staff, content of teaching process, students, scientific research, quality management, professional internships and fellowships, internalization of the education, etc.
Working Group 2 – Economic Integration & Convergence with EU Policies
Within the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum Working Group 2 – Economic Integration & Convergence with EU Policies – held in Chisinau on 6-7 June 2017, Executive Director of CIPM Radu Moldovanu has presented the project “Enhancing the role of civil society and SME from Eastern Partnership countries in the implementation of European standards”. The project aims to support the European integration of three EaP countries by raising the awareness of civil society actors, SMEs and academia from the Republic of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine regarding standardization and facilitate access to information about standards and related activities.
Working Group 2 “Economic Integration & Convergence with EU Policies” approached three important issues for the EaP countries, namely
- SMEs development and their access to the EU single Market;
- Economic impact of digital reforms in EaP countries;
- Agriculture and rural development.