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Conference: How do we cultivate respect for law and the rule of law among the younger generation

Center for Innovation and Policies in Moldova in partnership with Legal Resources Centre from Moldova and VeDemJust – Voices for Democracy and Justice Association from Romania with financial support of the Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands in Romania have organized the national conference: “How do we cultivate respect for law and the rule of law among the younger generation?” on 30th of January 2019 in Chișinău.

The conference has been organized within the project ʺEDUIURIS – Legal Education Innovators seeding respect for laws for younger generationʺ funded by the Embassy of Kingdom of Netherlands in Romania. The conference has been attended by professionals in the fields of Education and Justice, public policy specialists from the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research as well as practitioners from both areas.

The main objective of the conference was to identify the challenges, limitations and options for introducing legal education in schools, outlining pilot intervention methods to deliver results that can contribute to substantiating long-term policy decisions, potential public policy, for both Justice and Education.

Moreover, within the conference the project team has met the members of the National Network for Legal Education created within the project ʺEDUIURIS – Legal Education Innovators seeding respect for laws for younger generationʺ. The National Network for Legal Education is formed by 50 legal professionals that will conduct legal education courses in 10 high schools from the Republic of Moldova.

The agenda of the event can be accessed here.

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